Wade Whipple's Fanpage

He needs more appreciation (yes this site is in comic sans, fight me)

Welcome to my Website!

This is an unoffical fanpage for Wade Whipple. He is one of the side characters of the Sonic (hopefully soon) Trilogy of movies! This site was first created in 2022 for a Digital Technology assigment... it was the autism... i didn't do good on the assessement... >:(

To access the actual website, please click on any of the weblinks in the above bar??? (not sure what it called), I don't want to edit everything onto the index page, and I didn't pay because I am a freeloader. Cool, this is my tumblr -> my tumblr!

Last updated on the on the 1st of Feburary in 2024! I am also in the process of crediting images and fanart used! Sorry if I take too long! When I was completing my assessment, I hadn't thought about my actions with using other people's work. If you want


A photo of Adam Pally holding a microphone and speaking into it.